Today was perfect weather. It's starting to turn to fall now. Everything is summer green and can get warm, but the nights are fall temperature-wise. I ran in the afternoon after getting to sleep in, eat, nurse the baby down for her nap and take the big girl to the playground for a little mommy-daughter one on one time. So I was rested and fuelled, both physically and soul-wise.
While heading to the playground, I warned Ava that I was going to use the odometre on the car to measure how long 5k was so I knew exactly what I was looking at. She was cool with it and it was 10 minutes longer than what I had run the last time I did it, but I knew I could most likely do it.
The last couple of runs I had to do it from my in-laws in town while they watched the girls. I measured it out the last time and it was 5.2k. I had done both days in 3 intervals of 1o min "run" and 2 min walk.
I was a little excited right before starting. I got the butterflies feeling. I had found my watch and figured out how to use it to time my run. The first half went really well and when I got to the 15 mark I realized I didn't need to stop. Then I hit the halfway mark and turned around. I ran the first half in strong headwinds. It was nice to have it at my back.
My goal was 34 min. I came in at 31:22:43
About 2/3 of the way I realized that I was breathing the same as when I walk and my body was just cruising along, discomfort free. I really enjoyed it!
The ball behind my toes on my right foot was aching a bit the last 2 minutes. It's not intense, just noticable. I think I need an insert. I think I might just try a prefab one first and then if it continues look into my insurance coverage.
My fun run goal is under 30 min. I really think I will do it. I have 9 scheduled runs left to go.
I also was honked at once by a green truck. I run along the highway in a rural area. I'm thinking it was a "You go girl!" honk or a "Nice ass, honey!" honk.
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